Regex Tester for Web Analytics

This utility helps you test regular expressions (regex) before you use them in your web analytics tool.

Urchin was discontinued by Google in 2012. Angelfish Software is a suitable replacement.


  1. Enter the regex pattern.
  2. Enter items you want the regex to try to match.
  3. Click the “Test Regex” button.
  4. The items matched will display in the Regex Matches section.

List of valid RegEx characters

Regex Pattern

Enter Items to Test (one per line)

Regex Matches

Next Steps

It’s a good idea to apply all regex changes in a dev/test environment before applying them to your production reports.

IP Address Regex Tester

Web analytics tools allow you to use IP addresses in filters. This tool creates a single regular expression that matches all IP addresses in a range.

Urchin was discontinued by Google in 2012. Angelfish Software is a suitable replacement.

Step 1

Enter the first IP address in the range. (e.g.

First IP Address:*

Step 2 (optional)

Enter the last IP address in the range. (e.g.
If field is blank, the tool will create regex for the IP address entered in step 1.

Last IP Address:

Step 3: Results

Copy and paste the results below into the “IP address” or “Filter Pattern” field of the “Create New Filter” page.

Next Steps

It’s a good idea to test all regex in a dev/test environment before applying them to your production reports.

Download Urchin Software

You can still download an Urchin installer, but there’s a larger issue: you need a valid Serial Code to unlock the installation.

Urchin was officially canceled in 2012. If you have an active Urchin installation, here are your options:

1) Do Nothing

Keep Urchin on the same server and don’t move the data directory or upgrade the OS.

2) Migrate to Angelfish

You can migrate your Urchin config settings and report data to Angelfish Software.

If you still have your log files, a better solution is to only migrate the config settings from Urchin. Then reprocess the logs in Angelfish.

Learn more here:

UTM Builder

This utility lets you create destination URLs for your online ads so campaign tags automatically populate your reports.

Fill in the form below and click the “Create URL” button beneath it. A new URL will be generated which you should use in your campaigns.

Urchin was discontinued by Google in 2012. Angelfish Software is a suitable replacement.

Step 1: Enter the URL of your website or landing page.

Website URL: *

Step 2: Fill in the campaign details below. Fields with * are required.

Campaign Source: * describes website or location of ad
Campaign Medium: * marketing medium: cpc, email, banner
Campaign Name: * name of campaign, product, or initiative
Campaign Content: used to differentiate links on the same page
Campaign Term: contains bid term/phrase, used for CPC ads

Step 3: or

Additional Information

Campaign Source: Required. Use utm_source to identify a search engine, newsletter name, or other source.
Campaign Medium: Required. Use utm_medium to identify a medium such as email or cost-per- click.
Campaign Name: Used for paid search. Enter the name of the campaign you wish to track.
Campaign Content: Used for A/B testing and content-targeted ads. Use utm_content to differentiate ads or links that point to the same URL.
Campaign Term: Used for keyword analysis. Enter the term you wish to see associated with a campaign or use dynamic keyword insertion in AdWords to have the term automatically inserted: utm_term={keyword}

Next Steps

It’s a good idea to test your links in a dev/test environment before applying them to your production ads.