How to Move Urchin Software to a New Server

Make sure you can reset your Serial Code before attempting this!

In the event that Urchin needs to be moved from one server to another, all the configuration and report data needs to be migrated. Follow the steps below to ensure that everything gets moved so the new server works smoothly:

  1. Move Urchin Configuration Database
  2. Install Urchin on the new server
  3. Move report data
  4. Move custom files and templates
  5. Modify custom settings
  6. Verify new setup
  7. Request Urchin Serial Reset

1. Move Urchin Configuration Database

Backup your existing Urchin configuration database using one of the following methods:

mysqldump –u {username} –p {database} > urchin_bak.sql

pg_dump -p {database port} -U {username} {database} > urchin_bak.sql

Next, create the Urchin database on the new server. Finally, import the configuration database to the new server.

mysql –u {username} –p {database} < urchin_bak.sql

psql –h –p {port} -U {username} {database} < urchin_bak.sql

2. Install Urchin on the new server

Make sure to uncheck "Delete and recreate Urchin specific database tables if they exist" during a Windows installations or answer NO to "Would you like to initialize the configuration database during install?" for Linux installations.

3. Move Report Data

By default, the Urchin report data files are stored under urchin/data. If this is the case with your installation, copy all the contents from old/server/urchin/data to new/server/urchin/data. If your data files are stored in a custom location, you may copy them wherever you like, but be sure to follow step 5.

4. Move custom files and templates

Any customizations made in Urchin are generally kept in the urchin/lib/custom directory. Make a backup of this entire 'custom' directory and restore it in urchin/lib/custom on the new Urchin server.

5. Modify custom settings

If any changes were made to the following files, be sure to replicate the customizations on the new Urchin server:

  • /etc/session.conf
  • /etc/urchin.conf
  • /var/urchinwebd.conf

6. Verify new setup

Run urchin/util/inspector to check the new Urchin 6 setup. If any permission errors were encountered, run inspector -r

7. Request Urchin Serial Reset

Once the serial has been reset, start the Urchin services (urchinctl start), navigate to the Urchin interface, and follow the steps to reactivate your license.